Building the interface between people and programs

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Silver Recorder Device

Transforming abstract ideas into tangible solutions

I started programming somewhat seriously six years ago when I discovered that it allowed me to automate large chunks of my homework. Along the way, I inadvertently learned that understanding programming is one of the best ways to learn how to solve problems – with or without a computer.

“Learning to write programs stretches your mind, and helps you think better, creates a way of thinking about things that I think is helpful in all domains.”

– Bill Gates

My Projects

Football transfers are a multi-million dollar business, especially in the European Big Five leagues. But how do clubs determine player profitability? To analyse the rationale behind player market value, we built a linear programming model that calculated robust market values using on- and off-pitch performance data.

I’m an extremely lazy photographer. I love taking photos, but administrative tasks like sorting through the latest shoot or curating my Instagram features give me nightmares. So, as a completely rational reaction, I fine-tuned ResNet on a custom image dataset to group photos and used histogram data to suggest colorgrades I used on similar images in the past.

Generative AI is arguably the biggest buzzword since the dot com bubble, but many people are only interacting with LLMs in very constrained ways – namely, through a chat interface. Can we use emergent agentic capabilities to use LLMs and SLMs for knowledge extraction and generation rather than simple chat? Project Athena is my attempt at a solution.